New Frog Haven
This term our Pre-Primary students have been learning how living things have basic needs, including food and water, in their Science lessons. On Wednesday afternoon Principal Environmental Scientist Dr Ru Someweera, shared his knowledge and assisted the PP1 students to rebuild our school frog pond. Thank you Ru for taking the time to share your expertise with our students. We were also assisted by Mr Roger Harris, Science teacher at Churchlands Senior High school. Thank you Roger for taking the time to also support our Pre-Primary students in rebuilding our frog pond. Thank you also to Bunnings Innaloo, who generously donated plants and a pond liner for the rebuild. The frog pond is now an enticing habitat for our local frogs thanks to the work of the Pre-Primary students. Please come down to our new frog pond, located next to the vegetable garden – you might be lucky enough see a frog or two!!