
Coding classes started in all Years 2-6 classes.
STAWA Science school of the year

In 2016 our Year 6 students transformed the vegetable garden watertank and signage into the Warakurna Waterwell alongside Aboriginal artist Deborah Bonar. A new transportable was located next to the library in December ready for the beginning of 2017.
In 2014 Woodlands celebrated its 50th Year and as a part of the celebrations the schools community orchard was designed, planted and opened in November.
In 2015 the ‘all school community mosaic’, reflecting our school values, was constructed by all 470 students, teachers and many parents.

Woodlands Primary School became an Independent Public School in 2011 resulting in the school rebranding to reflect its new direction in 2012. The school motto was changed from ‘Endeavour’ to ‘A world of opportunity through the power of learning’, with the values of humanity, belonging, possibilities and respect being adopted. The logo and school song was changed to reflect this new direction.
As the new millennium rolled in, the school was looking for more ways for how to expand further and cater for the influx of students. In 2006 Kindergarten classes commenced, and by 2008 the school library building was opened. In 2010 a purpose-built art room and 3 classrooms were constructed under the Commonwealth Government’s ‘Building the Education Revolution’ financial stimulus project.

From the original two room structure of 1964, which is currently Room 1 and 2, the school has expanded. In 1975, when a peak enrolment of 609 students was reached, there were 14 classrooms and 3 transportable classrooms in use.
In 1976 Pre Primary classes commenced in an “off-site” location in Tamarisk Way and in 1993 they were located back to the school site.
After the suburb of Woodlands developed in the late 1950’s and early 1960’s, the school was pened in February 1964, starting with an enrolment of only 53 students under the leadership of Head Mistress Dorothy Rushton. During this time parents and teachers fought a successful battle to retain as many trees as possible, and their wisdom and foresight, has provided the present school with a delightfully picturesque and shady environment.