The Woodlands Primary School Board strongly encourage the wearing of the school uniform for students in Kindy to Year 6. Kindergarten students may wear general clothing if parents prefer.
The School Board believes that students wearing the school uniform:
- adds to a student’s feeling of “belonging”
- contributes to a student’s pride in the school
- is sound economics
- minimises hurtful competition in clothing
Faction T-shirts and sport shorts may be worn on sports and Phys Ed days. The interschool shirt is worn only for interschool events (swimming, cross country, netball and athletics).
When representing the school on an excursion, Pre-primary to Year 6 students are expected to wear the official school uniform – a light green polo shirt, school skort or shorts, school dress, windcheater and hat.
Where the school uniform policy could present financial hardship to a family, on request, the school will arrange the loan of all or part of the required uniform. Purchase of pre-used uniforms can also be made at the uniform shop which is run by the P&C.
Uniform Shop
Uniforms can be ordered and paid for by cash/cheque or complete the credit card details on the attached order form.
Visit the Uniform Shop every 2nd Friday (odd weeks), 8.30-9.30am or place the completed order and payment in an envelope marked “Uniform Shop” in the P&C locked box in the front office.
The uniform team will collect, process your order and deliver to your child’s classroom.
Orders can be placed online. Visit Qkr at https://qkr-store.qkrschool.com/store/#/home to register and order.

Boys Uniform
The boys’ uniform consists of:
- Light green polo shirt with school logo
- Faction coloured polo shirt with faction logo
- Green shorts and green sport shorts
- Long sleeved polo shirt
- Zip jacket/windcheater/fleece vests
- Track pants
- Shoes or joggers and socks, or sandals
Girls Uniform
The girls’ uniform consists of:
- Light green polo shirt with school logo
- Faction coloured polo shirt with faction logo
- Dress
- Green shorts/green skorts/green sport shorts
- Zip jacket/windcheater/fleece vests
- Track pants
- Shoes or joggers and socks or white/green tights, or sandals